Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Beginning of the school year

Wow, it has been a really long time since I blogged. I doubt if any of my most faithful blog-friends will bother to check my blog. I could start cursing and saying crazy stuff here, and I bet NO ONE would notice! Guess who's fault that is? Mine! I just can't think of anything to say once the school day is through, my brain is fried, my hair is frazzled and my skin is oily from educating children on the 3rd floor in an un-air-conditioned classroom. I will try though.

I am totally hooked on The Office DVD's right now. There is something about that show that I don't tire of. I can watch an episode repeatedly (not in one sitting though!) and keep on laughing. The best part is that Arturo loves it too, so we can both sit and guffaw happily in our living room, while our bunny hops around. After a long day at work, my absolute favorite thing to do is sit and watch an episode of The Office.

I've been working hard the past 7 days or so to begin to create a positive classroom environment, one where even I, the teacher, enjoys being in! It's tough. I'm always a little curious about what it would be like to teach in a non-urban environment. I am convinced that I would be the meanest teacher at the school. Here, I am normal. My school is pretty great though. YES! I am teaching someplace that I agree with philosophically! It's nice. Like when you keep scooching and scooching around in your chair because you can't find a comfy position, and then you finally find it and go AHHHHHH!!!!

I have been sitting here trying to come up with some funny anecdotes from my students (of course with names changed!). Sadly, 5th graders aren't that funny. I mean, they are totally cool, but they don't say strange little things like 1st graders do. We are learning about factors, rectangular arrays and products in math. That's not humorous stuff, my friends (if any of you do, indeed, bother to read this pathetic excuse for a blog).

My final thought is that I am really excited to get out of the city this weekend. Arturo and I are heading out of Chicago and down to Morton, IL for Pumpkin Fest! My aunt and uncle live there and they have a cool festival that we are totally going to rock out. We will drink pumpkin beer, eat pumpkin foods, probably sing pumpkin songs and have a pumpkin-rockin goood time! We have been looking forward to this for weeks (seriously)! I LOVE to leave the city and have some space to breath. And look at trees. And pumpkins.

More in 4 months. Hold your breath if you dare.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's a Girl!!!

Arturo and I had been talking for some months about the decision to expand from a couple into a real family. Of course there are pros and cons. Pros: little feet pattering around the house, cute faces and noises, softness and cuddliness. Cons: they cost money, are we really ready for the responsibility and just think of the mess! After much debate and discussion, we decided, YES, IT IS TIME.

So it is with great pleasure that I blog-announce that there is now a third Garay. Ramona Quimby Garay! We are so proud of her! She has white fur with brown spots, a cute little nose and four active feet. To most she is simply a litter-boxed trained bunny that hops around our house, loves cilantro and is constantly aching to be cuddled. But to us, she is...... well... she is just a bunny really. I am just trying to be tricky like a hare.

Friday, December 21, 2007

This is it!

The countdown has been pounding away in my head all week.... and now the end is upon me! One more hour until my well-deserved TWO WEEK Christmas vacation! My students are at gym class getting sweaty and hot, I have set the party up on our back table with care. One more hour of eating, playing games, tired fun and I can walk out of here and go HOME! YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas to you all! And to all a goodnight!

I LOVE the swings! I really truly do!!